I have posted about my little buddy Luke before.
You can read about his card drive here and his story here.
But to quickly summarize...
On New Year's Eve he suffered a 30 minute seizure caused from Spinal Meningitis. He has been in the hospital or inpatient rehab ever since. He has loss of movement on his left side, uncontrolled movement on his right side, loss of speech and swelling on his brain. Recently he had some setbacks and is now back in the hospital again.
Luke just turned 6 years old yesterday. We lived across the street from Luke for about 4 years and he was one of my son's best friends.
He will be transferred to Mayo in Rochester, MN in a few weeks (which will not be covered by his insurance).
A friend of ours is hosting an Ebay Auction to raise funds for Luke's growing medical expenses (plus the cost of plane tickets and housing while in Minnesota).

I have donated 4 $50 gift certificates to the auction
I have also donated a new/in-box Stampin' Up Color Caddy as well...

If you are interested in getting a great discount on the gift certificates or if you are in need of a SU color caddy, you can go to Ebay and see the items for Auction for Luke here...
I will probably have more items to add later. But those were items I was quickly able to provide for the Auction.
If you would like to just donate money to Luke and his family, you can send me a paypal payment using my paypal email address at laceysoliving@bellsouth.net - just write in a comment that it is a donation for Luke and I will give 100% off the donation to Luke's family.
It just breaks my heart! There were no warning signs...one moment he was fine, then the next he was seizing and has not been the same since. Luke is a BRILLIANT boy (at the age of 5 1/2 years old he read the novel "The Chronicles of Narnia"!! My 6 year old is still learning how to sound out the words he reads!!). Luke also plays the violin - even playing for the former First Lady once.
Thank you so much for your help.
What a touching story....I hope my purchase on ebay helps some. I have four boys and I couldn't imagine....my heart aches for him and his family. Sending prayers their way.